
The Diocese has liturgies for Morning and Evening Prayer and Holy Communion.

The pattern of each service follows the same order, so that it is easier for everyone to remember what comes next. This is important in a community where not everyone can read, and where services are mostly Morning or Evening Prayer led by Evangelists or Catechists. Holy Communion services happen when the Priest is visiting the Church.  Each priest is responsible for several Churches, many of which are long distances away needing journeys on foot, motor-bike or even ox-cart because there is no road to travel on.  

The Liturgy Task Force continues to meet to create new music tunes indigenous to southern Madagascar for certain sections of the services (e.g.: Gloria, Kyries etc).  

Click here to read or download the Holy Communion & Morning & Evening Prayer liturgy.

If you are travelling to the Diocese we suggest you download the liturgy to your tablet or phone, so that you can follow along in the service. Very few churches have spare copies of the liturgy for visitors. In a society where many people can’t read and books are expensive luxuries, the people are used to memorising liturgy and hymns.

Located in southern Madagascar