Welcome New Missionaries – Derek & Jane Waller!

              Derek & Jane Waller
               in Yei, South Sudan

We welcome Church Mission Society missionaries, Rev Derek & Jane Waller, from England who are coming to the Diocese shortly.

Please pray for Jane’s visa to come through as soon as possible.  (They already have Derek’s).  Pray also that they will learn the language swiftly and easily, and that all travel will be straightforward.

Derek will be working with local pastors and lay leaders to disciple Christians and grow the church.  They plan to stay for three years, after which they hope to hand over to local Christians.

They worked with CMS in the 1980s in South Sudan. In the 23 years after they returned to the UK, Derek was ordained and served in three parishes.  Jane worked in adult education and was also a magistrate.  But they never lost their passion for mission across cultures. When the opportunity came to return to South Sudan to be involved in theological education they believed that this was the call of God.  Sadly they were only there for 18 months before civil war broke out.

How have they got from South Sudan to Madagascar? The short answer is through many tears and much prayer. In the months after leaving South Sudan, they grieved for the friends they will not see and the work they will not complete. However, a chance meeting with Bishop Todd McGregor led to an invitation to the Diocese of Toliara. They accepted and are now excited about starting a new mission adventure in their 60s!

Derek & Jane with their students, the local Bishop, the College Principal and visitors from Duke University