Walk by faith, not by sight

A team from the Chapel of Saint Andrew, Boca Raton, Florida travelled to Madagascar in November to celebrate the 10th anniversary of ministry and partnership with our brother and sisters at The Chapel of Saint Andrew in  Mahabo, Diocese of Toliara. The team consisted of Archdeacon Faye Somers, Marcy Allen and 2 college students, Lauren Mueller and Remington Fiore. 
They had a day in the capital, Antananarivo, visiting a lemur park, the Queen’s palace and shopping at the market before travelling to Mahabo, where they conducted children’s ministry, Days for Girls distribution, men’s group testimony and a church meeting.  

What a transformational time they had!!!!  God really blessed their intense schedule.   Remington said it was the best experience he has had in his life.  Lauren reflected on all the poverty.  Faye was amazed that children don’t go to school because there are no schools.  Faye said how organized Victor and his committee was. 

Rev Victor (priest at Mahabo) reported: “Everyone had a chance to minister and serve the Lord in different ways. Their coming was such a blessing to all of us for we met each other for the very first time and others for the second time. We are very thankful that the team was able to come. It is our desire that we can also come and visit you some time.”