Tremendous News!

Bishop Todd writes:
“I have just received official word that the Archbishop of the Indian Ocean and the House of Bishops have approved and accepted the candidate: Rev. Canon RAZAFINDRALAMBO Samitiana Jhonson as the new assistant bishop of the Diocese of Toliara.

Another glorious event in which we can celebrate the Lord’s doing!

“Thank you Lord for guiding and directing us this year.  Thank you for raising up another leader for the Diocese of Toliara!  May you help him and his family during this transition.  Amen.”

Rev Canon Samitiana Jhonson & his wife, Holy
Bishop Theophile from Antsiranana, Bishop Todd McGregor, Bishop Jaona from Antananarivo,  Rev. Samitiana in front of archbishop James (you can barely see him) and Bishop Ian from Mauritius