The Kingdom of heaven is like a couple who make a garden in a dry and salty land

Latest newsletter from Derek and Jane Waller:

It all began after Easter. We were having a more settled period in Toliara after much travelling and the weather was cooling down in our Southern Hemisphere winter. What better time to plant some young trees and even try some vegetables and flowers – so we explored the local nurseries, found a supply of “muck” and our garden began. Every evening sees us out with buckets, watering with the help of our young neighbours, Katerinah and Marinah.


As well as being fun and good exercise, there is something profoundly gospel about creating a garden in a dry place – “the wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus” (Isaiah 35:1). We love the idea of future generations enjoying the beauty and shade from “our trees” and who knows – others may copy us and plant their own good news!  Click here to read more