Opening of Church gatherings in-person

On May 5th, the following announcement went out regarding the opening of Anglican Church gatherings in-person in Madagascar:

To all Anglican Christians throughout the Island.

Reason: Statement on the possibility of services in the Anglican church.


May the peace of the Lord be multiplied unto you. In light of the evolving situation in our country, it is with great joy to announce to all Christians in the Malagasy Episcopal Church that churches can be opened again throughout the diocese of Madagascar.

To deal with this, we want to introduce and reinforce the following ideas, common to the entire Episcopal Church of Madagascar:

1) For areas still subject to specific conditions (Analamanga, East, Upper Divorce and Mangoro Forest), the church may be open but a maximum of fifty (50) Christians present.

2)For all churches outside those areas subject to specific conditions set by the state, the church shall be open to the public. However, because of the large number of people, the distance between church members should be respected.

3)Continue to emphasize the following criteria:

(a) Everyone must wear a “face mask”.

(b) All members of the church should wash their hands with soap or hand sanitizer.

(c) The church must be “disinfected” or cleaned up before any other church members can enter.

4) About receiving the Holy Communion:

(a) Divide the Holy Communion method so that it is not possible to have a common cup. Only the celebrant dips the bread into the wine instead of the recipient.

(b) In the standing position.  The recipient of the Holy Communion does not kneel before the Altar to avoid contact.

(c) There is no possible contact during the peace or the laying on of hands

(d) Everyone must wear a mask.

In addition to all of the above, each diocese will review and make the decision to carry it out under the direction of each Bishop. So let us all accept and follow the various instructions that they may convey.

In conclusion, we continue to express our gratitude and encouragement to all Anglican Christians throughout the Island, for patience and dignity, and especially for the faithfulness and obedience of our Bishops in the face of the current challenges of our faith.

We are not yet out of the woods, so let’s try to protect each other from this common enemy. We do this not for fear but for the love of the Lord, and for the good of the world.  “But true love overcomes fear” (1 John 4: 18a).

Peace be with you always!

On behalf of all the Bishops in FEEM:

St. SOLO Jean Paul, Bishop of Toamasina

Mgr RATELOSON Rakotondravelo Gilbert, Bishop of Fianarantsoa

Mgr Todd McGREGOR, Bishop of Tulear

Mgr BOTOMAZAVA Theophile, Bishop of the Archdiocese

Mgr Hall SPEERS, Bishop of Mahajanga

Mgr RAZAFINDRALAMBO Samitiana Jhonson, Assistant Bishop of Toliara

Antananarivo, May 05, 2020


President of FEEM

Bishop of Antananarivo