Missionary Jacky Lowe’s December newsletter

Click here to read Jacky Lowe’s latest newsletter.  Jacky is a SAMS missionary in the Diocese of Toliara, living in a simple room at the Women’s Center at the Cathedral Complex. Jacky is grateful for this room, and the small inhabitants who share it!

In her newsletter, Jacky includes many photos which tell the story of the lives and homes of Dola and Mbiny.  In comparison, their homes make Jacky’s room look very luxurious!

In 2016, the Diocese formed the Days for Girls Enterprise  at the Women’s Center, where washable, re-usable feminine hygiene products are made.  The Diocese hired 6 women to sew kits, including these two grandmothers from the neighboring village, Andranomena.   Not only have we been able to donate kits to many women and girls, but we are also now able to provide work to 12 women.

Donations to further the work of the Diocese with women children and other ways can be made here.