Missionaries Derek & Jane Waller’s latest newsletter

Two Into Three Goes – Just!

Dear Friends,

We had set off at 6.30 a.m. and finally arrived in Morombe at 7.45 p.m. It was only 180 miles but the road was non-existent in places. We were shown our room and the single three foot bed for us to share for the next five nights. We could hardly complain as Hanitra, a delightful young trainee evangelist, had given up her room for us and was now sleeping on a concrete floor with four others. We survived and even slept a little.

We had gone to lead the second of nine conferences around the parishes of our large diocese. The aim of these conferences is to train leaders of disciple-making groups.  These groups will use the Rooted in Jesus course.

The training is intensive lasting from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. for three days but we are lifted by the enthusiasm of the participants and the joyous Malagasy singing. We were thrilled to  have Derek’s new assistant, Evangelist Florent, with us for the first time.

Since then we have completed a third course and a fourth starts on November 22nd  in Betioky, another long drive.

For these conferences Jane does much of the organizing and Derek the teaching, though Florent will increasingly share the teaching.

Please pray that those who have been trained will start discipleship groups in their local churches.

Between conferences Jane has started teaching English. She is much in demand. It seems that everyone here wants to learn English.  With the backing of Bishop Todd, she has chosen to focus on particular groups. The first priority is the Diocesan staff working on the Cathedral compound – six in all, of widely varying ability – which makes teaching a challenge. They all come to her classes with big smiles and lots of enthusiasm.

Please pray for wisdom and skill for Jane.

As we approach our first anniversary in Toliara, we thank God for his grace and that we have made significant steps forward in our roles.  Our prayer is that God will be glorified in who we are and what he calls us to do.

The peace of the Lord,

Derek and Jane