In their latest newsletter from Toliara, Bishop Todd and Rev Patsy write:
As our physical presence in Madagascar is coming to an end, your impact is not! Your involvement is needed in the McGregors’ Ministry and the Diocese of Toliara. We encourage you all to pray about your involvement in and God’s hand upon these opportunities:

The Endowment
Join us now in leaving a legacy! One of the biggest ways you can continue your impact is through the Bishop Todd and Rev. Patsy McGregor Diocese of Toliara Endowment (The McGregor Toliara Endowment). Once we leave Madagascar, the Diocese and local churches will not have the financial resources needed to continue the current ministry. The Endowment has been formed to create a sustainable future for the Diocese of Toliara and will support clergy, evangelists programs and trainings, educational scholarships for students, and micro-economic development projects. The Endowment gives hope by securing the future of the Diocese of Toliara and allows continuation for the Good News to be proclaimed in the most remotest parts of the island. If you would like to donate to this life-giving endowment, click here.

The McGregors’ Ministry:
The McGregors’ Ministry as People Reaching People continues. Patsy will serve as the Director of Spiritual Formation at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, in Stuart, FL, while focusing on multigenerational spiritual growth. She will continue to write devotional/ministry books and work with the nonprofit Miaraka: A Time to Dance musical. Todd will continue to be a full-time SAMS missionary, focusing on national and international teaching and trainings in church planting, discipleship and evangelism. At the same time, he will continue raising financial support for the Bishop Todd and Rev. Patsy McGregor Diocese of Toliara Endowment. Your continued prayer and financial support for their ministry is greatly appreciated. If you would like to opt in for future emails from the McGregors’ ministry, please click here.

The Friends of Toliara:
We are excited to announce the formation of a new group called the Friends of Toliara. We fully support this group, formed by board members of People Reaching People to continue in supporting the Diocese of Toliara once the McGregors have departed. They will focus on assisting the Diocese of Toliara with communications, economic development, child sponsorship, financial support, parish links and short term missions. The Diocese of Toliara is very eager about this new partnership and we look forward to God using this partnership for His glory. If you would like to opt in for future emails from the Friends of Toliara, please click here.
Thank you so much for your partnership and continuing to be involved with what God is doing in and through each one of these amazing opportunities. You have been an incredible support to People Reaching People. To God be the Glory!
Serving Christ Together,