Jacky Lowe writes: I am still in transition and getting organized.  Most things take much longer here so one has to be patient. I go to Antananarivo the capital on Wednesday 11th to work on my visa.

A group of people from St. Patrick’s Cathedral went to the beach on Easter Monday as it is a holiday here. We all paid a fee to ride the taxi bus which was 3 hours late. We finally set off at 10:30 am for a 1 hour drive with about 40 people in the taxi bus I sat in the front with the driver and Holy, Bishop Samitianas’ wife. It was a hot & dusty ride but not unpleasant. Dust has a whole new meaning here as there is little grass and the soil is a fine brown like sand that blows in the wind.

The beach was very different. I think all the people in Toliara were there! Zafy, the person who helped organize the trip, had rented a covered space so we did not have to sit in the sun, which was wonderful.