Derek & Jane Waller – A Home! At Last!

Dear Friends,

Here is the update that at times we thought might never be written.  Last Sunday, we moved into our permanent home for our time in Toliara. After three months of delays and setbacks it’s wonderful to be making a home. The kitchen is yet to be fitted, none of the doors have handles and the final windows were fitted with mosquito netting on our second day but we are glad to be here.  We love the lightness of the rooms, the airiness and the big views of sky and countryside.  We are spoiled for space so Jane has a study and Derek the office for discipleship here.

Our home will become a guest house when we leave. We are delighted to be on the Cathedral compound where we can join in daily prayer in the Cathedral, practise our Malagasy and join in the life of the small community here.  We can stop packing and unpacking, settle and put down roots.

Thank you for praying with us through this testing period.  We would love to receive messages with your news, responses and questions.  Please write!

The peace of the Lord,

Derek and Jane


With Zafy, our friend who helps us learn Malagasy and is Derek’s temporary assistant for discipleship.