Check it out! We need more Andrews in the World!

“He first found his own brother Simon and told him, ‘We have found the Messiah!’ (which is translated Christ).   Andrew brought Simon to Jesus”
~ John 1: 41-42

In the first of the Diocesan Lenten Devotionals, Bishop Todd writes:  I love the story about Andrew listening to Jesus speak for the first time.  We know he was deeply moved because he immediately went back to his home community and informed Peter about Jesus.   Not only did he inform him, but he also persuaded him to come and see for himself. (He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah”…. Andrew brought Simon to Jesus. John 1:41, 42.)   Andrew’s life was so transformed that he was compelled to share with someone else about Jesus.  He convinced Peter to check it out, and go and see for himself!

I was reminded of this recently when two new donors contacted me about separate things out of the blue. One was priest from Chicago and another was a woman from the West Coast of the US.  You can read more of the story here…