Category Archives: Coronavirus

Zooming McGregors

We had a wonderful Zoom session with Todd and Patsy on Saturday 18th July, when  they talked about their ministry, the Diocese of Toliara, the impact of COVID19 in Madagascar, and how people can support the work in Toliara.

If you weren’t able to participate in the call, it was recorded and you can watch it at your convenience  by clicking here. 

Key points from the call were:

  • COVID 19 has increased in Toliara. There are now 30 confirmed cases in Toliara since Monday.
  • The government has imposed stricter regulations similar to those in the capital.
  • All churches and schools (including students studying for national exam) throughout the country have now been closed.
  • All shops and markets close at 3 pm, and a curfew is now enforced.
  • No one is allowed to leave the regions even for funerals.  So Bishop Samy was not able to be present for his mother’s funeral, and her body was not able to be interred in the family tomb but was put in a different one.  Rev. Adam and his family have not been able to return to England following his father’s sudden death.
  • The office staff will be working sporadically in the Diocesan offices now except for those who live on the compound.
  • There are eight family units and 2 building projects at the Cathedral complex.  Social distancing is maintained and masks are worn.  A temperature gun has just been acquired and temperatures will be taken daily for everyone on or entering the compound. There is a hand washing station at both gates.
  • Travel within the country is limited, so Bishop Todd has now spent the longest time continually at home in the Gathering Place!
  • The Malagasy are scared of this virus and taking it very seriously.
  • Schools are closed, including the 2 Diocesan schools, but funds are still needed to pay the teachers at those schools.
  • Todd and Patsy talked about their own personal reactions to the situation.
  • There are problems getting food to the South because drivers won’t deliver food without being accompanied by the military.  Rice had doubled in price at one point.  There continues to be ongoing famine caused by drought in the areas around Ambovombe, Tsihombe, Belohad and Ampanihy.
  • Donations are made by the Malagasy in cash to fund churches when services are held, but not when there are no meetings there is no income to keep the Church running.
  • The Diocese is developing liturgy to enable families within their homes and possibly with close neighbours to meet and pray 3-4 times a week, even if services can’t be held.
  • The Women’s Center has partnered with Base Toliara to make 45,000 masks.

Donations to help with  relief needed as a consequence of Covid-19, child sponsorship or the Endowment Fund to keep the Diocese running long-term would all be welcomed

First 2,000, then 45,000 masks!!

Once the Women’s Center opened again, after the initial coronavirus lockdown in Toliara, the women met to sew face masks instead of Days for Girls kits.

Earlier this month they completed sewing 2,000 face masks for the Diocese and have distributed them to the 2 schools and 10 parishes. Funds were donated to cover the costs of making these.

This photo shows Bishop Todd & Harisoa & the final 500 masks for the Diocese.

The women are now partnering with Base Toliara and the Malagasy government to make 45,000 face masks over the next 2 months.  Base Toliara is a mining company, 25 miles north of Toliara town, sourcing ilmenite, zircon and rutile, which are used in the production of white pigment for paint, plastics and paper as well as for ceramics and metallurgy.


The contract between the Women’s Center and Base Toliara is for 2 months.  8 women, who normally work at the Women’s Center, will be supervising 40 women plus at Base Toliara.   3 women will go there for 2 weeks at a time and then rotate with others from the team.  Working as supervisors is a step up for all of them, most of whom learned to use a sewing machine for the first time in 2016, to make Days for Girls kits.


Recently Bishop Todd and Rev. Patsy visited Base Toliara, and the whole project was filmed for local television, which can be seen on the Diocesan Facebook page  

Opening of Church gatherings in-person

On May 5th, the following announcement went out regarding the opening of Anglican Church gatherings in-person in Madagascar:

To all Anglican Christians throughout the Island.

Reason: Statement on the possibility of services in the Anglican church.


May the peace of the Lord be multiplied unto you. In light of the evolving situation in our country, it is with great joy to announce to all Christians in the Malagasy Episcopal Church that churches can be opened again throughout the diocese of Madagascar.

To deal with this, we want to introduce and reinforce the following ideas, common to the entire Episcopal Church of Madagascar:

1) For areas still subject to specific conditions (Analamanga, East, Upper Divorce and Mangoro Forest), the church may be open but a maximum of fifty (50) Christians present.

2)For all churches outside those areas subject to specific conditions set by the state, the church shall be open to the public. However, because of the large number of people, the distance between church members should be respected.

3)Continue to emphasize the following criteria:

(a) Everyone must wear a “face mask”.

(b) All members of the church should wash their hands with soap or hand sanitizer.

(c) The church must be “disinfected” or cleaned up before any other church members can enter.

4) About receiving the Holy Communion:

(a) Divide the Holy Communion method so that it is not possible to have a common cup. Only the celebrant dips the bread into the wine instead of the recipient.

(b) In the standing position.  The recipient of the Holy Communion does not kneel before the Altar to avoid contact.

(c) There is no possible contact during the peace or the laying on of hands

(d) Everyone must wear a mask.

In addition to all of the above, each diocese will review and make the decision to carry it out under the direction of each Bishop. So let us all accept and follow the various instructions that they may convey.

In conclusion, we continue to express our gratitude and encouragement to all Anglican Christians throughout the Island, for patience and dignity, and especially for the faithfulness and obedience of our Bishops in the face of the current challenges of our faith.

We are not yet out of the woods, so let’s try to protect each other from this common enemy. We do this not for fear but for the love of the Lord, and for the good of the world.  “But true love overcomes fear” (1 John 4: 18a).

Peace be with you always!

On behalf of all the Bishops in FEEM:

St. SOLO Jean Paul, Bishop of Toamasina

Mgr RATELOSON Rakotondravelo Gilbert, Bishop of Fianarantsoa

Mgr Todd McGREGOR, Bishop of Tulear

Mgr BOTOMAZAVA Theophile, Bishop of the Archdiocese

Mgr Hall SPEERS, Bishop of Mahajanga

Mgr RAZAFINDRALAMBO Samitiana Jhonson, Assistant Bishop of Toliara

Antananarivo, May 05, 2020


President of FEEM

Bishop of Antananarivo

Crosses for sick in hospital

Today, Good Friday, the Church of St James the Less in Northfield, Illinois received a request from the chaplain at the local hospital.  She wanted 50-100 crosses to give to those who are sick with the coronavirus, for them to hold.  Rev Lisa contacted Sue & Simon Babbs, who had 88 paper bead crosses and 12 wooden crosses in stock to sell on behalf of the Diocese when visiting churches etc.  It is lovely to have been able to provide comforting crosses to those who are seriously ill to remind them of Jesus’ presence with them, and at the same time to raise funds for the Diocese from St James the Less.

Compline via YouTube!

Bishop Todd and Rev Patsy joined Father Marty at St Joseph’s, Boyton Beach, Florida on Thursday April 2nd for Compline (generally a late evening prayer service).
During the time, Bishop Todd and Rev Patsy shared how they are sharing Church services in the Diocese via the radio. They also talk about the impact of COVID-19 in Madagascar, and specifically in the Diocese of Toliara.
There are no testing kits in Toliara, so any reported numbers of cases from Madagascar will not be accurate. When they heard on March 20th, of the first three cases in Madagascar, the clergy and leaders were all sent home from their conference early the following morning. All Churches, Diocesan Offices, Bible College, schools, Women’s Center have been closed.
They are following social distancing rules, as far as can be possible, when so many people live in close contact with each other. Soap is a luxury which most can’t afford.
Antananarivo and Tamatave are on lock-down and many of the inhabitants of those cities have moved to live with relatives in rural areas. The road from Antananarivo to Toliara has been closed so food prices are rising.
Bishop Todd and Rev Patsy have bought in enough gas bottles for cooking, filled the tank of their vehicle and bought in soap. The Diocese has bought in 2 tons of rice against the possibility of none becoming available

God is our strength and refuge – a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46)

Please hold the people of Madagascar in your prayers. The Madagascar President has reported its first 3 known cases of coronavirus. All schools and govt office are closed as well as internal and external flights.
Bishop Todd has cancelled all meetings and services for 2 weeks / until further notice. All 15 clergy have been meeting together here in Toliara for the past few days. Tomorrow was to be the last day of retreat. The clergy are now leaving tomorrow morning to take public transportation to be with their families as transportation could soon be limited.
Thank you all for your prayers for protection, safety and peace.