Beauty and Poverty

Message from Derek and Jane Waller – June  2019 


Dear friends,

We travelled the twelve or so kilometres by tuktuk (a motorbike around which is built a small passenger compartment – not dissimilar to a bubble car for those old enough to remember!)  When the driver stopped all we could see was sand.  But after we had clambered up the dunes we saw a large village nestled between sand and ocean. Life here revolves around the sea with dozens of pirogues setting out each day to fish.  As so often in southern Madagascar, we were struck by the contrasts. Look towards the sea and there is the beauty of the turquoise blue waters.  Watch the catch coming in from the rich fishing waters and you see the abundance of creation.  Looking back one sees the simple homes of people struggling to feed, clothe and educate their families. The Anglican Church, a simple structure of corrugated metal walls reflects this poverty.


Ankilibe, in the parish of Fenoarivo, was the venue for our 9th leadership training conference for Rooted in Jesus.  Around 20 people came for the training. Once again we were faced with contrast. Two young mothers with babies were keen to learn.  An older man, who is a teacher, was eager to start a group in another village.  But others came who could not read and so would not be able to lead Rooted in Jesus.  Some came and went and came back again, leaving our registration sheet full of ticks and crosses – why did they miss so much of our training? The impression is of people whose understanding of their faith and commitment to Christ is at an early stage.

After the final service on the Sunday we were left to reflect on two questions.  Will the seed we have planted bear fruit?  And can we see God’s beauty in the people we encounter, just as we see it in the beauty of creation?

As always we thank God for your prayers. Will you pray for our last parish training from June 16th – 19th at Sakaraha in the parish of Archdeacon Hery?  

With our love and gratitude,

Derek and Jane