If you weren’t able to join Todd and Patsy’s Zoom call on Saturday 19th September, click here to listen to their ministry updates and latest news from Madagascar.
If you weren’t able to join Todd and Patsy’s Zoom call on Saturday 19th September, click here to listen to their ministry updates and latest news from Madagascar.
Bishop Todd reports: “We had our first zoom call in the Diocese with our clergy. Everyone who was invited was present, except Rev. Theodore. Some of the people had some technical difficulty but 80% of them worked out just fine.
This was a real victory and the clergy were so excited to see each other, to meet together and to pray even if via Zoom. Our meeting lasted 2 hours. They have all agreed to do this each month. I can’t believe how excited everyone was to see each other. It was truly a Christ like moment.”
Such good news! Good is coming even out of this coronavirus pandemic! It is wonderful that Zoom is enabling clergy, who live and work so far apart, to meet with each other for prayer, support, encouragement and future planning.
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God (Romans 8: 28 )
We recently heard from seminarian, Zafy, about how he and his family are coping during this coronavirus pandemic.
He wrote:
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We are very happy that you remember us. Thank you so much for your prayers for us and for all the people of Madagascar. We also continue to pray for you and all human beings around the world, especially in light of the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic.
In Toliara, we are living in a time of crisis due to rising inflation, the closure of markets and businesses, especially education. As a result, all daily necessities, such as Cycle Pousse (rickshaws) and taxi, etc are more expensove.
All of us here at the Cathedral Complex are trying to be very disciplined in maintaining good health. Such is the practice of praying in groups of two, and washing of hands as soon as one enters the gate to the complex, taking of temperatures, and the observance of the two-meter distance, which is a teaching left by the Rev. Derek and his wife. Special thanks go to Neny Holy, who makes life worth living by continuing to teach and remind people to follow all the instructions that she and Rev. Derek have taught.
About our family:
• Christophère (aged 6) has taken exam even though it is not done in school. He has tried his best and they will hear on August 20th, if he has passed and can go on to the next grade. Special thanks go to him for his constant prayers for the people affected by Covid-19, all the doctors and the police etc.… everyday.
• Tantely, (Zafy’s wife) tries to continue her studies to be a midwife even when she is not in school. She goes to lessons and does daily exercises at school at a special cost. The problem with this is that there is no teacher to explain the lesson when it is not clear to her. It started last month in July and will last until November, but admission to the next school year is still in November, so there will be no Vacation but it will continue for study. She is part of the women supervising those sewing masks at Base Toliara, which has gone well. It was great to work with other women and they were also happy to work with us. Continuation of this sewing work will continue at the Women Center’s.
• Zafy is still in the process of taking the exams for seminary. He is back home from university in the capital and using online learning and conferences via Zoom. As for learning, he really tries and thanks the Lord for always helping him. His problem, however, is that he must travel to a Cyber Café in Toliara city every time he studies, especially when he uses Zoom and downloads books and lessons. This is very expensive, but it must be done. He also tries to organize the distribution of religious programs that are distributed from house to house by the community here.
May the Lord always be with you all.
Trusting in God, the Protector and Blessing of His People.
The LORD is my light and my salvation; of whom shall I be in dread? God is the stronghold of my life; whom shall I fear?” Psalm. 27: 1
Maropia Church, in the countryside near Ambovombe, welcomes a student intern.
His name is Christian or Jamoka and he has completed one year at St Patrick’s Bible College. He will return there when it next opens, and eventually will go to university to study to be a priest.
We pray that God will bless him in his work and the Church members as they work alongside him.
Thanks be to God for the completed church building at Ambovombe, which now has pews, lectern and altar.
A reception was held to celebrate its opening and it is now ready for people to come worship Jesus and pray in it.
A very insightful talk from Rev Adam Boulter, Dean and Principal of St Patrick’s Bible College, Diocese of Toliara
We had a wonderful Zoom session with Todd and Patsy on Saturday 18th July, when they talked about their ministry, the Diocese of Toliara, the impact of COVID19 in Madagascar, and how people can support the work in Toliara.
If you weren’t able to participate in the call, it was recorded and you can watch it at your convenience by clicking here.
Once the Women’s Center opened again, after the initial coronavirus lockdown in Toliara, the women met to sew face masks instead of Days for Girls kits.
Earlier this month they completed sewing 2,000 face masks for the Diocese and have distributed them to the 2 schools and 10 parishes. Funds were donated to cover the costs of making these.
This photo shows Bishop Todd & Harisoa & the final 500 masks for the Diocese.
The women are now partnering with Base Toliara and the Malagasy government to make 45,000 face masks over the next 2 months. Base Toliara is a mining company, 25 miles north of Toliara town, sourcing ilmenite, zircon and rutile, which are used in the production of white pigment for paint, plastics and paper as well as for ceramics and metallurgy.
The contract between the Women’s Center and Base Toliara is for 2 months. 8 women, who normally work at the Women’s Center, will be supervising 40 women plus at Base Toliara. 3 women will go there for 2 weeks at a time and then rotate with others from the team. Working as supervisors is a step up for all of them, most of whom learned to use a sewing machine for the first time in 2016, to make Days for Girls kits.
Recently Bishop Todd and Rev. Patsy visited Base Toliara, and the whole project was filmed for local television, which can be seen on the Diocesan Facebook page
On Sunday June 28th, in Santa Patrika Cathedral, the Diocese celebrated Bishop Samitiana’s 30th anniversary since he was priested. Only a few people could be present on account of coronavirus.
The service went very well and we spent 3 1/2 hours celebrating and thanking the Lord for Bishop Samitiana’s servant attitude and committed service to the Kingdom of God.