All posts by Sue Babbs

Derek and Jane Waller’s Newsletter from Toliara

“We have come to worship him!” Matthew 2:2

It was our second morning in Toliara.  Just before 6 a.m., everyone on the cathedral compound was making their way silently to the cathedral.  The sun is already warm as we join them.  Once inside we scatter to quiet corners around the building.  A hymn is announced and all sing, some in harmony, and the building fills with praise.  After 10 minutes of singing, silence once more descends and all open their Bibles and read.  In the last 10 minutes the leader calls us to quiet prayer: adoration, confession, thanksgiving and intercession before ending with a concluding prayer.

Click the link below to continue reading our link letter:

                                   2018 01 Waller Newsletter

Fun fundraising evening for People Reaching People & the diocese of toliara

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Glen Ellyn, Illinois hosted a wonderful fundraising evening for People Reaching People on Saturday 11th November. Many thanks go to Joyce Fletcher and her team for all their hard work putting this fantastic evening together.

Huge baobabs decorated the Parish Hall
Each table was decorated with a carved baobab tree and a lamba (traditional Malagasy cloth)
Simon and Sue Babbs showed slides of Malagasy life and spoke on the ministry of PRP in Madagascar
Traditional Malagasy food (vary and loaka – rice & stew) was served
Malagasy chocolate tasting
Fanorona – traditional Malagasy game
Solitaire (with Malagasy bugs encapsulated in resin)

Teaching Sunday school in Madagascar is an exciting experience

Teaching Sunday school in Madagascar is an exciting experience.  It is a special call like no other.  The only tool the teacher has is the Bible.

In most of our Churches, children are the majority.  Sadly, some of these children have no one to teach them, but these children hunger and thirst for righteousness.  The few teachers are so committed to meet these children and transform their lives.  This means that the teacher must also be growing in their prayer life and seek to have a Christ-like character.  Given the limited resources in teaching materials and aids, one has to be very creative on how to pass the message to the young ones.  Especially, that most teachers have the zeal to teach but have not yet had enough training.  And so as the children’s coordinator, my first task was to train Sunday school teachers with basic teaching skills and how to develop a growing spiritual life.

For a long time, we did not have a teaching guide for the teachers and each had to do their own way.  Others would just sing with or just do a bible reading with the children until time is up and they go home.  It is only recently that we have adopted a book that we use as a guide but we are still in the process of designing a guide book that meets the needs of the children and teach the spiritual needs of the children.

A typical teaching session will include song and dance, prayer and thereafter a Bible lesson and a time of giving offering to God.  These are children who go through many issues and challenges in life for example, some come from single-parent families(and they feel that they miss either the father’s or mother’s love), divorced families, alcoholic parents, some drop out of school to help fend for their families etc.  With such a background, when they come to Sunday school, they would like not just to hear good Bible stories but also to learn how God will walk with them through these challenges in life.  And so after the teaching, we usually have a prayer session where we pray for the children individually for the Lord to intervene in their lives and that of their families.  We not only pray for them but we teach them to pray as well.

Teaching does not end in class though.  The teachers also visit these children at their homes during the week just to see how they are doing and pray with their families as too.  The teachers sometime offer advice to the parents concerning parental issues.  And is some cases, the teacher has to dip into their pocket to support a family that is needy.  At times, the teachers play the role of parents.  You will discover that some parents have no time for their children.  So we give the children a listening ear and give direction in how and what they should do.  The children on the other hand have developed trust in return and have become very open with the teachers and can speak to us about every issue they are facing at school, at home, or in their lives.  And the teachers are more than happy to give advice or have a talk with the parent.

Children, being good evangelists, we also teach them to bring their friends to faith and every once a while we organize an outreach for the kids and they go out to the village and bring their friends to church. That is why the number of the children is ever increasing. And even some of their parents have started coming to church and have become devoted Christians at the invitation of their children.

Just recently, we had the very first children’s conference in the Diocese, and it was awesome.  These children prepared for a competition where everyone had to show their ability in remembering the Bible stories accurately, memory verses and songs.  Their teachers were trained in Rooted in Jesus which is a very contextual disciple program for the kids.  This I believe will catapult the teachers to a new level in teaching as well as enable the children to grow in their faith.  As they interacted with their friends, one could see the joy they had.  One of the kids approached me and said, “teacher, I just want to stay here and not go back home again.”  That showed that they really enjoyed their time and fellowship with the new found friends and the teachers.

The work of teaching children takes a lot of patience and commitment but brings joy.  Especially, when you see a child growing from a point of naivety to a level of spiritual maturity and that they can teach others, it brings a sense of accomplishment to the teacher.  Being with them is always a reminder to us that the Kingdom of God is for those who are like children when you see their sincerity, love, humility etc.  And at the same time, one must be very careful lest one gives a bad example to them because that is what they will grasp.  Both the teacher and the children seek, serve and follow Christ.

By Nolavy Osoro

Tremendous News!

Bishop Todd writes:
“I have just received official word that the Archbishop of the Indian Ocean and the House of Bishops have approved and accepted the candidate: Rev. Canon RAZAFINDRALAMBO Samitiana Jhonson as the new assistant bishop of the Diocese of Toliara.

Another glorious event in which we can celebrate the Lord’s doing!

“Thank you Lord for guiding and directing us this year.  Thank you for raising up another leader for the Diocese of Toliara!  May you help him and his family during this transition.  Amen.”

Rev Canon Samitiana Jhonson & his wife, Holy
Bishop Theophile from Antsiranana, Bishop Todd McGregor, Bishop Jaona from Antananarivo,  Rev. Samitiana in front of archbishop James (you can barely see him) and Bishop Ian from Mauritius

Welcome New Missionaries – Derek & Jane Waller!

              Derek & Jane Waller
               in Yei, South Sudan

We welcome Church Mission Society missionaries, Rev Derek & Jane Waller, from England who are coming to the Diocese shortly.

Please pray for Jane’s visa to come through as soon as possible.  (They already have Derek’s).  Pray also that they will learn the language swiftly and easily, and that all travel will be straightforward.

Derek will be working with local pastors and lay leaders to disciple Christians and grow the church.  They plan to stay for three years, after which they hope to hand over to local Christians.

They worked with CMS in the 1980s in South Sudan. In the 23 years after they returned to the UK, Derek was ordained and served in three parishes.  Jane worked in adult education and was also a magistrate.  But they never lost their passion for mission across cultures. When the opportunity came to return to South Sudan to be involved in theological education they believed that this was the call of God.  Sadly they were only there for 18 months before civil war broke out.

How have they got from South Sudan to Madagascar? The short answer is through many tears and much prayer. In the months after leaving South Sudan, they grieved for the friends they will not see and the work they will not complete. However, a chance meeting with Bishop Todd McGregor led to an invitation to the Diocese of Toliara. They accepted and are now excited about starting a new mission adventure in their 60s!

Derek & Jane with their students, the local Bishop, the College Principal and visitors from Duke University

Rooted in Jesus

40 teachers and over 100 children graced the Cathedral Complex for Sunday School workshop and receiving Rooted in Jesus teachings. The Holy Spirit was flowing. Each District/Church presented plays, skits, songs…..there was tremendous joy all around praising God!!!!!


New Parish Link

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Toliara  and
Walmer Parish Churches, Deal, Kent, England
Link on July 19, 2017 

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”

1 Corinthians 12.12

Walmer Parish Link with Cathedral
Bishop Todd & Rev. Patsy McGregor with Rev. Seth Cooper and wardens Mavis Stevenson & Jerry Swallow sign the Memorandum of Understanding in St Saviour’s Church

For over a decade now, Walmer Parish Churches has had an informal link with Toliara in Madagascar.  The link began when Walmer hosted the newly appointed bishop of Toliara the Rt Rev. Todd McGregor, in 2006

Walmer is a small coastal community on the east coast of Kent, in the Canterbury diocese of the Church of England. It has a population of about 8000 and is best known for its Tudor castle, which is the official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.  Walmer formerly hosted a large contingent of the Royal Marines including the Band School.

The parish has 3 church buildings, the oldest of which is the original mediaeval church dating from about 1120, with a membership of about 250.  The Rev. Canon Seth Cooper, vicar of Walmer, is assisted by a team of lay ministers and retired clergy with a strong pastoral and discipleship ministry.

Walmer Parish Churches and the Downs Church of England school have supported the mission in Toliara in a number of ways over the years, not least by raising funds to buy mosquito nets;  supporting a coffee storage facility; and general expenditure.  Bishop Todd and Rev. Patsy have visited Walmer, helping with worship, preaching, and visiting the school.

In recent years Bishop Todd has been seeking to ‘formalize’ many of the links the diocese has with overseas partners and asked Walmer if it would make a link with St Patrick’s Cathedral.

To that end Walmer PCC agreed a Memorandum of Understanding (see summary below) at its recent meeting and hopes that the link can be built upon in years to come.

  1. The key objectives of the Parish Link are
    • to pray for one another
    • to get to know people & places in the link parish
    • to support each other in mission & ministry
  2. Both parishes recognise they are blessed with a variety of complementary gifts for equipping the Church
  3. Both parishes recognize that they will be equal partners in Christ’s mission.
  4. Each parish will appoint someone to be the main ‘link’ –
  5. The key leaders (usually clergy) of both parishes will communicate at least twice a year
  6. Parishes to list the other as their Link parish on their website or bulletins
  7. If possible and when appropriate, to arrange visits to each other’s parish, to offer hospitality and welcome, and to work alongside each other in mission.

In autumn next year Walmer’s churchwarden, Jerry Swallow will visit Toliara to continue strengthening our link.

Please pray that God will bless this partnership; that the Holy Spirit will make it a channel of grace and peace; and that St Patrick’s Cathedral and Walmer Parish Churches will be more effective in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. 
