A Message of Thanksgiving.

To those of you have supported our ministry for many years, we offer our deepest thanks! The work on the ground in the mission field would not be accomplished without your dedicated prayer and financial support.

To those of you who are only now or recently learning of the McGregors and the work we do in the name of Christ, we hope the stories you will read in our newsletter will move you to make a commitment to this ministry. Thank you.

In 2006, the Holy Spirit sent me, along with my wife Rev. Patsy, to Toliara to serve as Bishop for this southwestern area of Madagascar. At the time there were only a handful of churches and a few followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. With the faithful and generous support you have provided to our ministry, we have seen the Diocese of Toliara grow to more than 90 churches with a complement of church leaders who have been raised up from among the people. All of this requires a great deal of hard work: planting churches and training followers to become leaders. It also requires a good deal of financial resources to make it happen. Where the Diocese of Toliara is today, with its many churches, clergy and lay leaders, a beautiful cathedral recently dedicated (dedication of cathedral video), and more and more Malagasy deciding to follow Jesus each day, would never have happened without the prayerful support of each of you – in your personal devotions, naming us in the Prayers of the People during weekly worship services in so many parishes around the world, and especially through your generous financial support of Patsy’s and my ministry here in the Diocese of Toliara.

Our biggest challenge for tomorrow is to Secure the Future by raising up leaders:

•         through intentional Discipleship Programs,

•         through Theological Education, including collegiate degrees for all clergy, continuing education and training for clergy, and diplomas in evangelism for the evangelists.

Because the Diocese has taken the initiative to support theological higher education, what we see today is…

  • Evangelist Antsa, Evangelist Gaston, Catechist Zafy and three others who are studying in preparation for ordination.
  • The Ven. Hery and The Rev. Victor who are enrolled in non-residential college programs for Bachelors and PhD diplomas in theology.
  • Seventeen students in the Evangelism Training program.

Altogether, we have 26 students enrolled in theological education. Six of these are to become ordained priests – which will double the current number of parish priests!

At the same time the Diocese has many programs to aid the people of this area of Madagascar. Especially notable is the education the diocese is providing for children, the Days for Girls program which has transformed the lives of so many women and girls, and other programs. You can learn more about this dynamic program in our newsletter. https://dioceseoftoliara.org/

Patsy and I thank you for your dedicated giving in support of our ministry. Through the abundance of God’s gifts in your life, we ask that you renew your commitment to this ministry – and perhaps even consider increasing your gift for 2019. 

If you are just now becoming acquainted with the McGregor ministry and all the exciting developments in the Diocese of Toliara, we pray the Holy Spirit will touch your heart with a desire to enable more good works. Please consider making a financial commitment to support this ministry and bring more Malagasy to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Serving Christ Together



To make a gift in support of the ministry of the McGregors, please use the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS) secure website: https://give.sams-usa.org/missionary/todd-and-patsy-mcgregor. Use https://give.sams-usa.org/project/diocese-of-toliara to make a gift in support of the education programs, Days for Girls, or other programs. Or call 724.266.0669 to make your gift.