History was made today in the Diocese!

Bishop Todd reports: “We had our first zoom call in the Diocese with our clergy. Everyone who was invited was present, except Rev. Theodore. Some of the people had some technical difficulty but 80% of them worked out just fine. 

This was a real victory and the clergy were so excited to see each other, to meet together and to pray even if via Zoom. Our meeting lasted 2 hours. They have all agreed to do this each month. I can’t believe how excited everyone was to see each other. It was truly a Christ like moment.”

Such good news! Good is coming even out of this coronavirus pandemic!  It is wonderful that Zoom is enabling clergy, who live and work so far apart, to meet with each other for prayer, support, encouragement and future planning.

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God (Romans 8: 28 )

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