Missionary Jacky Lowe’s November Newsletter

Ephesians 5:20 In the name of our Lord Jesus give thanks every day for everything to our God and Father.

After a very busy September, I went on a five day retreat to the beach, to be with God in the silence.  Each morning, after breakfast, I would walk a mile to a cross in the sand made by the roots of a large tree. 

During the walk I would simply enjoy the beauty of God’s creation, the ocean, birds, rocks, goats, children playing, sound of the waves, beautiful art in the sand made by waves, shells, and rocks.  It was an amazing experience and a wonderful way to start the day.

The women were very busy in October making 500 Days for Girls basics kits. Harisoa and some of the women distributed the kits to a number of villages near Toliara.  The kits were paid for by The Days for Girls organization in America and were free for the women, so now many women do not have to miss work or school because of their menstrual cycle.


Olivia, Nivo, Dola, Mbiny, Josianne, Tantely making Days for Girls Kits


Josianne cutting Days for Girls Kits

On Thursday afternoons and Friday mornings the women are learning to crochet with the goal of making prayer pockets. The prayer pockets will be blessed and then distributed in the diocese during pastoral visits, when people are sick or need prayers for other reasons.

Women learning to crochet

Women who attend the center live in a variety of houses, some are made of concrete, of sheets of metal or woven grass.  There is no running water in any of the houses, water is carried in plastic containers from communal taps.  Toilets are a hole in the ground in a small building, and bathrooms are a separate small building where one takes a bucket of cold water to bathe.

House made of grass and house made of concrete with metal roof


Roadside café, plastic yellow containers contain water, the pots are cooking on charcoal

Children are the joy of Madagascar.  There are many and they always have a smile on their face.  They play in garbage dumpsters or puddles after rains.  The boys play soccer with balls made from plastic bags and girls cook using rocks and soil.

Children who live on the compound


Rafini cooks for the evangelists; her daughter is standing on the table.


Oliviah and Marinah doing laundry

On Sundays Bible stories are taught using colorful pictures on a flannel graph board.  The children love the stories and are mesmerized by the wonderful illustrations.  Olivia and Tantely teach the Bible stories and I help them to prepare as the instructions are in English.  The children also learn simple songs it is such a joy to watch them their eyes are wide and full of wonder.

Oliviah teaching Bible stories in Cathedral


Children listening to Bible story in Cathedral

At the end of October,we were visited by Rev. Hal Spears and his secretary, Trudi Tooby, from England.  They had visited a convent in Antananarivo to be present as two nuns took their final vows and then they came to Toliara to visit with Bishop Samitiani and family.  I had met Rev. Spears as he lives near my brother.  Trudi stayed with me and we had a very pleasant few days.

Fifa Trudi, Niavo, Rev. Spears standing in front of the boutique at the Women’s Center