Jacky Lowe sets off for Toliara on March 17th!

Please hold Jacky in your prayers as she prepares to leave for Toliara on 17th March.

Jacky writes:  The journey continues as I prepare for mission work in Madagascar.

October 2017:  I completed the IMPACT course in Toronto Canada.  It was an amazing course on mission preparation including spiritual formation, culture, communication, personal issues, health, team building and God’s faithfulness.  I am well prepared for the mission field.

February 2018: I returned to Toronto for the Principles of Language Acquisition: Natural Tools and Strategies course (PLANTS).  An incredible course providing a proactive approach to learning a new language.  We studied  child like learning activities, grammar, semantics, and phonetics.  We spent 3 days in small groups with a  language helper learning a new language using methods outlined in the course.  It worked!  I have never successfully learned a second language, but at the end of the three days I had a small vocabulary and a few phrases that I could pronounce in Tagalog a Philippine language.

I am ready for my departure date of March 17.  Please continue to pray for me for safe travel and a smooth transition to life in Toliara.  My support raising still continues, no amount is too small.

Click on “Support Jacky”  to make ONLINE donations.  She still needs around $5,000 to cover the costs of her three years in Toliara
Mail checks to:     SAMS USA, PO Box 399, Ambridge, PA 15003
Check payable to: SAMS USA
In memo write:      Jacky/women