Diocesan Schools

The Diocese currently has four schools:

Ed McNamara Primary School at Mahaboboka,
in the Parish of Sakaraha

Ed McNamara Primary School, Mahaboboka

This school is situated in the tiny village of Mahaboboka, 10 miles west of Sakaraha. Click here to see where it is on Google Maps. It is the only Christian private school in the vicinity.  The school is committed to bring about transformation not only in the lives of these children but also in the surrounding community.

The name change in 2021 to “Ed McNamara School” was passed unanimously owing to Ed’s vision of wanting children’s lives to be transformed for generations to come.  His generous contribution to the realization of the school has impacted many.  The school has remained the epitome of not only knowledge but also godly character, which is visible in the lives of both the staff and the students. We have a team of dedicated staff who above all consider their job as a call to transformation.   

More classrooms and a toilet block were added in 2021 in Ed’s memory, and the existing classrooms were refurbished.

You can read more about the school in the later part of this newsletter.

St. Paul’s Primary School in Tsimahavaokely,
in the District of Morondava

The school is located in Tsimahavaokely. Click here to see where it is on Google Maps It opened in 2018 and is full. Work started in 2020 to build a second storey on the building but there is not enough money to finish. They can’t fit more students in, so the children are going elsewhere.

St. Paul’s Primary School in Tsimahavaokely, Morondava

You can read more about education in Morondava in the first part of this newsletter.

Ny Sekolin’ny Fahasoavana (The School of Grace) in Manamby, Parish of Mahabo.

When Deacon Faye Somers visited Manamby in 2018, she watched the school-age children struggle with simple skills that we take for granted such as holding a pencil, or crayon or scissors, having no knowledge of their age, left an indelibly empty mark on my heart,  Her inquiries about their education revealed that these children had never been to school because there were none in their vicinity to attend.

She returned to the United States excited about the possibility of building a much-needed school, but also as a realist, questioning how she could as only one person achieve such a goal. After a few sleepless nights and many conversations with God, and conversations with missioners Will and Cheryl Harman, Rev. Victor and Bishop Todd, she received answers and realized that with God,  all things are possible!!

In the spring of 2019 plans were underway!  A Manamby school committee was formed, the structural plans were rendered, the land for the school was purchased while ideas for fundraising flowed. However, by late 2019 the efforts were simply unsuccessful. In 2020, the pandemic meant all plans were shelved temporarily for one year. In 2021, our efforts slowly resumed, but we were still far from achieving our goal of $60,000. 

By the Grace of God, Faye announced her retirement from teaching, but still there lurked her disappointment of not having achieved this goal of building a school for the children of Manamby.  She felt, she had some unfinished business to take care of.  So did God!  Following suggestions from others, Faye threw a retirement party, invited all her friends to bring monetary gifts, not for her, but to build the school! Thanks be to God, and by His Grace, she is blessed  with very generous family and friends!!

Fahasoavana school, Manamby was built in 2023. Evangelism had taken place in this village before the school was started, and it is well supported. There is no other private school there. Click here to see where it is on Google Maps

The School of Grace, Manamby

In June 2024, Deacon Faye with her son and daughter-in-law, together with Will and Cheryl Harman were able to visit the school and distribute water filters. Click here to read more about the visit, and here to read about the water filters.

Secondary school at Ambohimahavelona, in the Parish of Ambohimahavelona.

A secondary school was started Ambohimahavelona was started because there is no good secondary schooling locally, and it was too far for the children to walk to Toliara for secondary education. It began on October 3rd 2023, with sixteen 6th grade students and volunteer teachers.

The Education Department bought furniture for the school (tables and chairs, chalkboard, and text books for the teachers) and gives each teacher $38 per month to cover their transportation costs and food.  

In 2024 there will be 6th and 7th grades – but using the church building and a parishioner’s home, since there is no dedicated building

Click here to see where it is on Google Maps

Please pray for all the volunteer teachers, as well as the children studying there. You can read more about them here.

Rev Delphin, who had the initial vision for this school, says:  “We have started from nothing as God created the universe. I trust in God about his blessing forever to provide for us. My aim is to help them to have wisdom, to have knowledge and to have success in the life. We appreciate your prayers for us and we appreciate also your help. Thanks in advance brothers and sisters.”

Located in southern Madagascar