Short-Term Mission Teams setting off this week

Please pray for 2 short-term mission teams consisting of members of the Friends of Toliara Leadership Team and others from Churches with Parish Links, which are going to the Diocese of Toliara this week.

Will, Cheryl, Faye, Andrew and Erin (from Florida) leave today, and will be visiting Morondava, Mahabo and Toliara, with Bishop Samy. In Mahabo, they will be going to see the school which was built with funds raised on Deacon Faye’s retirement.

John and Jane (from the UK), Carol (from France) and Jacky (from Florida) will be setting off to arrive in Antananarivo on 5 June. They will be visiting Fenoarivo parish, the Cathedral Complex and possibly the mission church and women’s center at Mangily.

Jacky will be staying on until early August, and will be establishing links for her church in Florida with the Parish of Ambohimahavelona.

Please pray for safe and straightforward travels for everyone. Also please pray for them all as they seek to do God’s work, support the Diocese, and build up relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the areas they visit.

May the guiding hands of God be on their shoulders,
may the presence of the Holy Spirit be on their heads,
may the sign of Christ be on their foreheads,
may the voice of the Holy Spirit be in their ears,
may the smell of the Holy Spirit be in their noses,
may the sight of the company of heaven be in their eyes,
may the speech of the company of heaven be in their mouths,
may the work of the Church of God be in their hands,
may the serving of God and our neighbors be in their feet,
may God make their hearts His home,
and may we all belong to God, our Father, completely.

Adapted from the Lorica of St. Fursa (Fursey), 7th Century.

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