Message from Betsy Wenzel

 Hello again to friends of Patsy and Todd,

Todd and Patsy were able to get a call to Corbi, their daughter, before the last of their phone battery died.   Patsy and Todd are thankful for their lives, however, it is “really bad” in Madagascar right now.  No running water, no electricity, no communication.   Churches and homes of parishioners are flooded, damaged and destroyed.

Prayer requests for the McGregors, the clergy, evangelists, parishioners and the people of Madagascar:

God’s hand of protection from looting 
Their health (no running water, probably not much food and the stress of it all)
The people in Morombe where the cyclone came ashore.
Wisdom in what to do and who to help first, etc.
Cooperation of the people to work together to rebuild and the finance’s to do it.
For God’s Grace and Mercy

And anything else that the Holy Spirit lays on your heart.

Blessings to all of you,
Betsy Wenzel
(Patsy’s sister)